
Dell Agro Farms is an agricultural farm located in Delhi, India. It was established in 2012 by Vijay Kumar Sharma, who is a passionate horticulturist. The farm is known for its production of dragon fruit, strawberry guava, and other exotic fruits and vegetables.

Dell Agro Farms has over 1000 plants, which are grown on 5 acres of land. The plants are irrigated with drip irrigation and are fertilized with organic manure. The farm also has a nursery where new plants are raised.

The farm produces around 10,000 dragon fruits, 5000 strawberry guavas, and other exotic fruits and vegetables per year. The fruits and vegetables are sold fresh in the local market and online. The farm also exports dragon fruits and strawberry guavas to other parts of India.

Dell Agro Farms is a successful venture that has helped to promote exotic fruit and vegetable cultivation in Delhi. The farm has also provided employment to several people in the area.

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Delivery Areas - Delhi Gugaon noida

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Red Dragon Fruit Ask for Price 1 1 Kg You can ask the price through the number Add to List