
In 1942, our great grandfather founded this Sri Angalamman Oil Mill and started to directly get seeds from farmers to produce oil. Those days, bulls were used to grind oils. Later in 1980s, the same was replaced by electric motor. Later in 2017, we rebranded ourselves as Narguna Foods and started launching new products retaining the traditional practices. We have a very good experience in terms of selection of seeds. We use the seeds that are matured. Also for decades, we get seeds directly from farmers which help us to retain good quality. Additionally, we do not use any hybrid varieties and we don't add any preservatives.

We crush vaagai wood at the temperature of 30 deg Celcius. The wood pressed machine model that we use is Pinto. The Rotational speed of the machine is 10RPM. The machine will not dissipate heat more than the room temperature. We have standardized processes at every step and we maintain process checks to ensure the quality. The cold-pressed oil is exposed to sunlight to enrich Vitamin D3. The quality is what helping us to retain good clients. Our mission is to provide the best quality to the people.

Why our Patrons buy Edibleaf(Narguna Foods) Products?

1. Selective Matured Seeds are only used

2. No hybrid varieties are used

3. No coloring agents

4. Traditional method of Purification

5. Natural Sedimentation Process

6. No Chemical Treatment

7. Organic Palm Jaggery is added as supportive ingredient to sesame oil

8. No Adulteration

9. Only Woodpress

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Product Order Form

Default Category
Romantic Dry Fruits Nuts
₹ 399
Pack Size: Gm
Notes: 300gram
Herbal Jaggery Powder
₹ 140
Pack Size: Kg
Notes: 1Kg
Sesame Oil
₹ 360
Pack Size: Lt
Notes: 1Ltr | Cold Pressed
Groudnut Oil
₹ 260
Pack Size: Lt
Notes: 1Ltr | Cold Pressed