
Kavya Organic Farm is an organic farm located in Faridabad, Haryana, India. It was founded in 2015 by Kiran Bavaliya, who is a passionate advocate for sustainable agriculture. The farm is certified organic by the National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) and the National Organic Program (NOP).

Kavya Organic Farm produces a variety of organic fruits, vegetables, and grains, including tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, wheat, and rice. The farm also raises chickens and goats for dairy products.

The farm practices sustainable farming methods, such as crop rotation, composting, and cover cropping. These methods help to improve soil health and reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

Kavya Organic Farm is committed to providing its customers with healthy, nutritious food that is grown in a sustainable way. The farm offers a variety of products for sale, including fresh produce, frozen fruits and vegetables, and dairy products.

In addition to selling its products, Kavya Organic Farm also offers educational programs about organic farming. These programs are designed to teach people about the benefits of organic farming and how to start their own organic gardens.

Kavya Organic Farm is a valuable resource for people who are interested in organic farming and sustainable agriculture. The farm's products are a great way to support sustainable agriculture and eat healthy, nutritious food.

Here are some of the benefits of organic farming:

  • It is better for the environment. Organic farming practices help to protect soil health, water quality, and biodiversity.
  • It is better for your health. Organic produce is typically higher in nutrients and lower in pesticides than conventionally grown produce.
  • It tastes better. Organic produce is often said to have a richer, more complex flavor.

Farm Video

Payment Information

Cash on delivery (COD),paytm,gpay,Phonepe,credit/debit cards

Delivery Details

Delivery Areas - Haryana Faidabad all india
Minimum Order Amount - ₹ 100

Product Order Form

Default Category
Product Price Qty Pack Size Notes
Rooting Hormone ₹ 50 1 100 Gm Add to List
Adenium Arabicum Seeds Ask for Price 1 100 Gm Add to List